It’s never too early—or too late—to learn about the potential damage that the sun can do, and what you can do to prevent it. That’s the impetus behind the Enright Sun Safety Course™ introduced this week by Summit Medical Group Foundation (SMGF). This engaging, informative online program for ages five and over emphasizes that proper skin care and protection from the sun should start early, and that it should be top-of-mind for everyone, not only as a “summer thing,” but every day, every season, all year long.
SMGF In The News
SMGF Survey Reveals COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns
With the need for local evidence and the desire to truly understand and respond to community needs, SMGF funded a Vaccine Hesitancy Study to better understand COVID-19 vaccine attitudes among the Black and Latinx communities they serve that are experiencing poverty and are disproportionately impacted by the virus.
SMGF Studies Vaccine Acceptance and Uptake
Vaccine rollout in the United States in January 2021 marked hope for relief to the impact of the COVID-19 virus on our well-being. Recovery hinges on vaccination uptake among all populations. However, initial data from six surveys conducted in summer 2020 seemed to indicate the potential for lower uptake among Black and Latinx communities across the United States.
SMGF 2021 Next Generation Scholarship Open
Summit Medical Group Foundation announces Next Generation Scholarship for 2021.
Julienne Cherry Tapped to Lead Summit Medical Group Foundation
Summit Medical Group Foundation announces Julienne Cherry as the new Executive Director to lead the organization. Cherry joins Summit Medical Group Foundation (SMGF) with more than 20 years of experience as a nonprofit director working within underserved communities. She officially began her new role on January 19, 2021.
Broadway Stars Come Together for Hilarious Hygiene Video
Ever sing the ABC song while washing your hands to ensure you’ve sanitized for long enough? The original cast of Broadway’s Legally Blonde – The Musical created a better ditty to sing in their PSA reminding people how to properly sanitize during COVID-19. This video helped raise funds for SMGF’s COVID-19 Relief Fund. Bravo to our Broadway friends!